Betty Hightower
Betty Hightower Ministries
See "The One" in The Higher Seat"
A Little About Me:
I’m Betty Hightower.
I’m so glad to meet you here.
I am a Domestic Evangelist, Pastor, Writer, and Prophetess; with other diversities of gifts. I was called and anointed by The Holy Spirit; to Minister, Teach, Sing and so on, to any of all ages- of which children I am/was first called, and is commissioned to be an advocate for. I love my Work.
I was born, and reside, in a little city of Florida, in a place call “Wacissa.” I am married, and is the mother of two children. And I have five adorable grandchildren.
Enjoy the Article. Look forward to hearing from you.
Have a Wonderful day.
Betty Hightower
P.O. Box 334
Wacissa, Fla. 32361
9/3/20 (pgs. 1-3)
Since “men!” are supposed to be the head of the house, an of a good example to “The Church,” a model at the work force and to the world, by a leading example, one who’s supposed to be demonstrating “love and leadership” from the examples of Christ; one who is to be instilling into his child/children at home, (men, with their wives beside them,) into whatever is of right, and to others outward; something much is missing from the scope of the picture; of much I see presented today, from men (and women,) as leaders; and has been for a very long time. If not now, when are you going to let your lights shine? In relation to leading from home, at the Church, from the work place, this place to that; from “the Republicans’ view,” of those who are professing Christianity, while feeling and acting superior, who are still, at trying to dominate and control the world by devious and deceitfulness, and by openly and overly exposed acts of belligerent foolishness, in wrong, I beg to see a difference: And I bet the heathen and the sinners would too.
“Right!” by the majority of the said “Men!” I’ve seen, who are supposed to be living by good examples, has been thrown out the window, smashed to the ground, and trampled to death; by the Teaching of violence, advocating hate, obvious prejudice, rubbing injustice, discriminating and the like, which are not the values nor the moral gateway of standings for said “Men” of God,” nor said Christians women too. Yet, that’s what being mostly advocated as right every day! being yet so far from the truth. I don’t care how you look at it, nor from what view an organization title one is in, from any angle and any way; from where-ever to how-ever high or low estate and position one may sit; nor by whatever name he (or she) carry or call himself, he’s not right!- Not being said “a Christian man,” as he was called to be; and not as a representative for God to the world. Maybe to one another, as considered by man’s set standards; but not in God’s sight. *I can imagine how disappointed He must be, when He looks at the disgrace of America and its leaders, men first, who hollow “democracy,” “Christianity,” and the “One” nation under God.” On what day was that! for those who are presenting something different from The Word of God, in a country which is basically lead by prejudice republicans, who call hate love, and the Christian way; of those with un-lawfulness, who are biggity bigot bullies and the rest; who are so self-elevated high above love; with non-caring ways for others; and self-made violent rules and ways for whites only- with some blacks following the same gestures, who have lost themselves, trying to be white. And For what? That is a bad religion, that none should be proud of, nor seek to be a part of.
I see and hear, for the most part, a people who have no moral decency, so dishonest, little values of what is good and right, little integrity, with certain believers dragging on the skirt tail of the Jewish Nation endowments; by God’s promises to them. That won’t save any. The Jewish have a commitment to live by God’s Word too. For those who seem to believe that helping Israel in warfare will save their souls, you’re highly mistaken. It takes more than that. The devil believes, but he trembles too: because he knows that he has lost his shot for heaven; because he tried to be God too, and aimed himself against Him: and then, mislead angels to follow and worship him, who continued not with God, and are lost too. As of those I see following Mr. Trump, this is exactly where they stand today. He’s trying to be God, and have a many following him in his foolishness. It’s The blind leading the blind, who will fall in the ditch together. Many will know too well, even more, how they’re “Guilty by Association,” and are “accessors to the crimes;” for not speaking out against Mr. Trump’s wrongs. Many are still following him openly; while Some are quietly agreeing, not saying a thing, and upholding him, feeling the same. Believing in God is not enough. It’s living and walking in His Word that count- not the continuing using of His name in vain as a cover. “He’s so displeased with America.”
Talking about “Another slap in The Face.” I’m mainly speaking out against the decisions of those in position, who decided to rush the Children back to school for greed, selfish gain, and destruction. We already know that “the Republicans’ Party main focus has been and still is against Blacks first, and still is trying to keep them from doing well: and second, they’ve been at The Native Americans. Now it’s a cue at the Hispanics in particular; then it’s all other people of color.”
“Sending the children back to school now, is a threat to their lives, putting them in harm’s way; with another main focus to target a hand on The Hispanics, by aiming at their children”- “fearing now their success and capability, as has been and still is, their fear for being so hard against Blacks:” This is a high crime. They, (of whom ever the “They” in particular, The Lord is referring to,) might as well had thrown them under the bus. You’re putting their lives in jeopardy, and you know it. You have no more love than that! These are toddlers, infants, and babies. For what? For Money, ugliness, prejudice, and proudness of evil hearts, to say have presidency of power and control of position over people of color at any cost? Yes! These things mean that much to you, and more, and the children don’t-not even some of your own. `*To do wrong knowingly, and to thrust Christ on the cross, the leaders and the people said, “let His blood be upon us and our children.” That was deep hate and jealously gone too far, and without a cause- against “A Man,” Who had done them no wrong. Against “A Man” they knew was innocent:” It’s today’s agenda by so many. How pitiful, How degrading! And How shameful! If you’re not, you will be, of “the said Christians.”- “God will not be mocked,” continually; as been for so long.
“By Law, by Taxidermy, and by honesty.”
Mr. Trump is being followed as if he’s God, which is so openly and blatantly obvious by many, who know that he’s wrong: with no mis-understanding of his “intent of will,” and “errors of evil.”- “He was off the top” when he was running for the seat; yet was elected.” And “He’s been even more of the rocket since in office, and is still being looked up to as a great white one and a great leader by some.” God is not pleased with that. I do remember history tells us the fate of a few like freud, “who tried to deplete God of His majesty;” of Nebuchadnezzar, who “wanted men to bow unto him;” and of king Zedekiah, who “heard what God said, but did not want to listen.” Shall I say more?
What moral examples of life living do the children see today? If it had been Mr. Obama, or another of the Democrat Party, perhaps one by-partison, or of any of color, or of one with less money ties of in-vomiting influence interest to businessmen, who had done all Mr. Trump has done/and is, he (or she,) no doubt would have been not elected, or and, impeached too fast, (as tried against another president for one error,) and would have been considered the worse person and president in the world, and probably said to have been no-good to represent The US. How partial and bias some are against certain others.
“Religious leaders” are gone wild.” Seems money is the main idea crutch for the Republican party and many religious leaders in general; of those who want it all- “greedy men”, (males and females,) overflowing with discrimination, and wish not for others to have any. There are just too many organizations *of said Religious leaders, “of men” especially; with some being on Trump’s board; for us not to have heard from but so few. Seems too many with interest, have not spoken out against his behavior, or of any reprimanding for him. He has set himself above the law, above God, and most of the world- in the US and abroad: and those who are holding dear to him, which are quiet and upholding him, as if he’s “a great white hope,” who are no doubt in fear (and /or) perhaps feel the same as he does. Then perhaps some are running with a cover; “which will be thrown and pulled back anyway.” Some Policeman need arresting with Trump, for following his brutal un-lawful commands and attacks on migrants, for those they’ve murdered, and for their unjust actions against Africans and the other races who marched peaceful in protest. The Citizen have that right. Officers are supposed to be along making sure none bother the peaceful protestors; not them being the ones tear-gassing, lying and bullet shooting at the people. *The president and the officers he sent to do that ugliness are in violation. *It doesn’t matter how high one claims to think he sits, rich or poor, when he’s wrong, he’s wrong. *And it’s the Church Lawful duty first, to reprimand him and them: then it’s the natural law, with an overall togetherness “in The Spirit of God,” working against evil to amend things well. Said being president does not excuse Trump, nor anyone ministering acts of violence. *He should be held even more reliable for his actions. He’s like “Ahab.” Ahab was so pouty and wined over things that belonged to others. Jezebel, his wife, was his main supporter. She hatched up evil plans for him: he followed them through; and took that he wanted from the lower-class citizens. “God put men in authority to follow Him and help the poor: Instead, “the monies have been taken out of their hands before they can get it. Note! that *Christ payed taxes as the other citizens: He took not from anyone: Though on the road a lot, rather than cheat, steal, and discount “The Law,” God sent His and Peter’s money through a fish’s mouth. None is exempted. He was God’s Son, but in obedience, He gave a good example to His followers.
The devil has always used certain leaders and elders-somewhere! as well as other grown-ups to oppose, hurt, denounce, threaten, and have caused children much harm; who were supposed to and should have been, and still should be holding their hands, protecting, walking beside, and pointing them toward “Truth” and “Right.” Note! *When the little children were praising God, saying, “The Hosanna Who Saves,” it was the leaders who were so entailed with envy among themselves: they asked Jesus to make them hush. Christ reminded them of what The Word said. *When Moses was an infant in preparation to be sent in the appropriate time, to bring Israel out of Egypt, *Pharaoh was killing children, as Herod did at Christ; but God kept them with “favor,” with and in His plan. Do know, that “since so many have not done right; “God has found, and is raising up a nation who will obey Him.” He doesn’t need us, we need Him. Some are sinking fast without an anchor, who don’t think so, and don’t seem to care thinking they are saved- gambling with their lives and “hanging in the balance.”
The immigrants came here trying to save their lives from tyrant leaders. Europeans came here running from life to do their own will, “against The Word of God and His Law of Right;” to be tyrants, and have been at it ever since. They have been killing, taking, domini zing, acting superior, and want to continue fascism/dictatorship over all mankind everywhere- “But won’t.”
God is not color blind. “None will escape judgment here; nor on the other side.” Every man will suffer the consequences of his own evil actions done to another- “by God’s vengeances for those many harmed, and for those you’ve mistreated here.” Trust me, hell is real. If one thinks he’s better than another, and can’t love, nor is willing to settle his differences down here, he sure won’t go bustling into heaven. There will be no lying and trying to control everything, of trying to take God’s place, to run His Kingdom; as being done now on earth. Ask Korah, Dathan, Abiram, and the 250 princes, (men of renown, who were over the congregation,) how the earth swallowed them up; for trying to take too much authority upon themselves; who caused sedition in the crowd, at the position God had not granted to them. Those incidents and Words of The Bible are a guideline, and reminders to us; of what God did, and will happen again; in one form or another, as it’s happening today.
*“The Judgment” began in 2007.”
Historic Title
Con-( Pt. 3; pgs. 5-11) “Leaders”
“See “The One” in The Higher Seat”
All of that Trump and his followers are doing, is hastening judgment upon themselves, and bringing Victory on toward God’s people; as was with Israel for 400 years in slavery. But, He did as He promised, and He will again, for Africans and the rest of His people of color.
What an outward show of ugliness, for so long, of un-orthodox Christianity; using the tools of the devil, and using God’s name in vain: for republicans are vastly under the name of discrimination, and are teaching hate crimes and everything else. That’s not of God, I must say, but against Him. *What has all this non-justice shown to the heathens and sinners? It’s continually showing them non-violent people have been tackled and killed by the president’s word and his dedicated followers of evil. They are bullying and threatening, without cause. This reminds me of the Jim Jones case. What really should be happening is, Trump, the violent officers and followers of violence, should have been imprisoned, arrested, and some should have been given the death penalty. But it’s been the opposite. Trump, and his followers, have done away with the law of “justice for all” and what “The Word of God” says: He is constantly, trying to further in-act/trying to mandate and rewrite his own law.
With all of that Trump has done, I’ve not heard much of anything from Religious leaders of high organizations, about his wrong. When “The Spirit of God” says hold up, that’s another story. But we see and hear that’s not the case for a many. His feelings and ideas are not hidden- even children hear and understand his hate. Some on his board, I’ve not heard yet voiced their being dissatisfied with his behavior and tactics. It’s finding so many guilty, as “accessors to his crimes,” by upholding and taking side with him. There is that “Guilty by association”- “Law.” So, when one knows and supports crime, as these of Trump’s agenda, they are just as guilty. With all of that he has done, is still doing, and insinuation to do if he can, it’s a shame. And the Men and women whom God have called, (or did not call, who are standing over His congregation of people, His flock, and out of order,) will be damned, from what things look like; if they have any room left, and there’s not “a quick turn-around,” in their lives. The Bible speaks of some Preachers whose skulls will end up in hell, too. Do know that Hell is real! And All of those up-holding the wickedness of Trump, and certain others, will give an account to God, and before the World, first, as He said. God forbid, Especially, if there be those who say they’re of Holiness, Evangelicals, Jehovah Witnesses, Pentecostals, Saints, Church Of God, and rest of such, who are bringing “damnable disgrace” to His name; who are on the Republicans band, (or any hiding behind the word Democratic, with the same feeling and motto in heart,) who are following and endorsing evil; those who are prejudice and discriminate; with shameful and hateful ways of the devil: but yet, using His name in vain, and bringing shame on It before the world. But I heard The Spirit say, “God is Beholding,” And, “Man is too busy esteeming one another, higher than Him.”
I wrote to alert the public and parents, as The Lord gave me to do. Any who over-look, and intentionally omit running it, for selfish reasons, is asking for God’s Hand. Room must always be made for God and His Word; for the sake of any, and all children lives- everywhere! No story is above what God says, first, then the rest. If He tells you to hold it for a while: then you hold it. He has a reason: and it will be on time, when its released.
But Certainly, for the safety of the children, the virus was reason enough alone, to have suspended their returning back to the class rooms, so soon. Some children don’t set to well, having their noses and mouths covered: And some grown-ups still aren’t; but they know better. There should have been many fines from that I’ve seen- by now. The Most I’ve seen uncovered, were European Americans, who are following the pattern of Trump’s behavior, and lack of knowledge; and of some who seem to feel superior to God, also; as because of their skin color. But I do believe, that If it were Africans who were mainly uncovered, the law would have been even more enforced; with fines, brutalities and arrests.
I would suggest that some of you read The Book of Esther, to see the fate of Haman the Agagite, and his associates; who were against Mordecai and his people, without a cause: They were “driven by “envy,” “hate,” and “resentment.” But I did hear God say, “Everything that is not of Him, is going under and coming to an end:” but “All of That which Is of Him, Will Arise Higher.”
“God is only concerned about what is “Right,” regardless to whose hand it stems and funnels from. He has no respect of Person. “All sin has to be accounted for,” regardless to who one is; because “No un-just, un-kind, nor un-settled deed will go unpunished.” He cares nothing about one’s color, nor his position of title, when He (or she) is wrong. Ask king David; Saul and Absalom; Jeroboam, king Ahab and Jezebel; Ananias and Saphira and some others. Some of you have hated “right” and “Africans,” so long; until you can’t let go. Many of the people, the priests, and the scribes, hated Christ so, without a cause; and didn’t let go. They knew He had done no wrong. But envy said, “Let His blood be upon us, and upon our children: just give us Him to Crucify: and let Barabbas (the known murder and riotous man) go free.”
Again, I do believe, that We should have waited at least until Spring, to see what would be; before pushing the children back into the class rooms, and on the buses. The crisis may be over by then. Children are Vulnerable, can be, and are placed at a high risk. Does any care about stress, wor-ri-ation, nervousness and the like; which can be placed upon them? They have relatives, siblings, parents, bus drivers and others to be concerned about. All children are not the same. Some colt with and handle things different than others. They may not be as strong as another- the same as some adults are not the same as others, physically, emotionally, nor Spiritually. Besides, some teachers and staff have others problems. Some have parents, children or others who are disabled- loved one to aid, attend and assist at home. Who’s so nutty to penalize a person under duress stress, and such, from quitting their job, if necessary; during certain times, and of certain cases as this? That’s what it’s all about-knowing when to quit- “when enough is enough” in anything. And if certain rules of adherence were made, and kept, by the president, as well as certain others in authority, on to certain ones in the general public, things would have been quite different. It may have been over already. We don’t tempt God, play bigger than, nor act equal to Him. We are to fear Him, love Him, and respect Him. And Please, some need to quit acting like you’re so religious, until u go so far as to say and act “like you know God will keep you, doing as you please; during this crisis, because you name His Name, and say you are a Christian. If He didn’t say go, and you’re attending inside services, without “A Word,” in that which is not absolutely necessary, then You’re exposing and have exposed the congregations to harm’s way. He said, “The Religious leaders are gone wild.” He’s merciful and loving, or else, more people would have died. But Some have died just for that reason: “If man doesn’t give Him respect, He may hit the “Earth.” The questions are; How many are living according to His Word? and How many are just going to the Temple for a cover? There is no time for “playing Church” “sugar coating,” “pretending,” and “acting;” as if one is a Christians or Religious. It’s been time to get real, and present what The Bible speaks of for “Born-Again Believer” in Christ. If one is saved, he’s saved: and If he’s not saved, he’s not saved; *whether one attend services in a building or not: It’s just that simple. He knows all. Your ways will find you out, as we see happening more and more -everyday. No matter the seat one thinks he sits, And, no matter how high that seat is, we’ve all got to pass by, “The “One” in The Higher Seat:” He won’t be brought down to any man’s level-at any price. “He’s God, and “He’s God Alone:” and “He’s not fooled by any-one.”
And as long as those in authority mandate a “right” order, all are to adhere and follow. But I see a many act as if they’re above the law, like Trump, and many said law enforcers; who care not much about others safety and well-being; as if you’re equal to God; do to the color of your skin: some self-centered, beside your republican endorsement: That goes for bright skin wanna b’s too; as with some who vote Democratic, with Republicans hearts. What you have, being of the lighter skin is called, “an unbalanced gene mutation:” So don’t be so overly proud, thinking you’re better than any of us darker or brown skin folks: Pale or light, colored or bright, “We’re All Black.” We’re just different shades. Now Isn’t that beautiful!
Some people feel comfortable, and with confident, when doing wrong; because they’ve heard, “We’ve all sinned and come short of the Glory of God:” and The Scripture which says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you:” But did you miss the One where He told us to “Seek His kingdom first, and His Righteousness; and “the “things” would automatically become ours in line and Time.” And it seems that some of you are overlooking the Ones’ where He said, “If you stay with Me, I’ll stay with you:” but, ”If you forsake Me and My Commandments, I will forsake you:” further, “If you turn your backs to Me, then, I will turn My Back on you.” So Though “He’s a loving, just, kind, “A Righteous’ and “A Forgiving God,” there’s a point where He no longer just winks at ignorance, jabbed in His Face; by those cunningly taking Him for granted; who are “using” His Name Vainly to get by:” When that happens, “He brings His wrath upon a nation/a people, a group, or an individual as He said He would; as He has done, and is now doing-giving a just reward of avenging on a sinful, rebellious, and a Wicked nations- on men, and man- kind, who are so full of themselves, and keep overlooking Him.
As with The Church in the wilderness, “The people were so stiffed necked; until God would not go along with them; to keep from destroying them: Instead, He sent an Angel, and stayed His distance… “He’s staying His distance” now! and watching the USA- “especially,” the same as He did with Sodom and Gomorrah, Zedekiah and Israel, and other countries; when they were out of the way. It makes Him no difference of one skin tone, body shape, beauty, how much money one makes, nor the seat one holds, what country he’s from, neither his nobility- Sin is sin, and None can hide from His “All Knowing” and “All Seeing” of everything which goes on-night and day. He’s a soul searcher: and He gives every man a chance to change and do right-if he wills to: But some folks have been evil so long and loves it; until they don’t want to change.
Con. (Part 3)
Let’s take Jonah for example; He knew God: God knew him: God had not left him: His Spirit was still with him, while on the run. Jonah perhaps, had been good and much obedient up until this time. Perhaps All the other times when God requested and commanded of him to run an errand, he ran it quickly.” But it was time, no doubt, for Him to test, train, and take Jonah a little higher. But it required further trust and Obedience; regardless to what it seemed like. Even if we think we know the results sometimes, (as Jonah did,) and have figured out what God will or probably won’t do; under a certain given task, job, or circumstance, we learn to obey. “God will Create A Circumstance,” to show man His Power, to save men, and so on; as He did here in the case with Jonah. We don’t know all things; nor can we see the full scope of the consequences in what God be up to doing, nor all of His reasoning/s. But God knows everything about everything and everybody, better than we know; until He does a work and show us: and even then, that’s perhaps not the full scope, nor a fourth of all He did. *He just gives us enough to work with.
Anyway, Jonah decided to buy a ticket, get on the ship, and take him “a little “get away cruise” to Tar’shish; thinking to escape and hide from God; to keep from going to tell Nineveh and tell them what He had told him. Little did he know how close God was, what He was up to, nor how He would find him. Seems he was sure he was running away to where God couldn’t find him: For He got down in the side bottom of the boat and went to sleep; no doubt thinking it would all be over and behind him; when he got off to his drop. But God had “the “drop” and “a “watch” on him: He was way ahead of Jonah, tracking him the whole time; and could have confronted him before He did: He had called up a threaten storm, and sent it out to sea. It became so bad until the ship Jonah was in, seemed that it would break apart, and kill everybody.
**The men aboard gave it their best shot; at doing all they could to save their lives. They prayed to their gods: they even threw out their belongings to make the boat lighter and easier to manage-they thought. They bailed out water, but It became too much: With much fear and doubt, that they would survive, they noticed that Jonah was sleeping peacefully; as if he wasn’t worried about a thing. They woke him up, questioned him of his country, his occupation, and his people. They realized that it was Jonah causing the problem. As with some, we hate to see others fate and life at stake, and not do anything to try at saving them. So, They tried again at stabling the ship- to no prevail: They had done their duty at trying all they could; to not throw Jonah out. But when it came down to the draw, they realized that there was no reason to up-hold in his fault, and cause innocent people to die. It seemed that Jonah wasn’t concerned about dying; and they couldn’t subside the boat; so, they threw him over board, as he had said to them.
They were right. First, they tried and worked hard to save the lives of all men aboard. Second, They fought with hope, over turmoil and fear, over one man’s intentional error and sin of rebellion against God: And they prayed. *Those were the marks of said sinners and heathens, of people who were supposably not to have known better than this Religious man-over a man who knew and believed in “The Living God” of Israel. Isn’t that what we see today? Many in the world are living as well or better lives, than some believers; who are showing a better mark of understanding and life styles, in their own ways; than (or the same as) in behavior; as a many “said Christians”/believers live, and don’t live. Not that God is slack and is not capable to do “The Work of His Word” and “whatever He promised.” It’s that most of mankind won’t keep their part of the covenant, bargains, nor the promises which they vowed to Him. But***“God is “A God I know” Who is Real!” that I can tell anybody: and Whose Word that “I know” without a shadow of a doubt, has not, and “never will fail!”- “He’s “One” Who has always, and always will, come Through on His promises:”- “and He will be on time.”
A great mark Is that *they casted a lot in faith. When they found out that Jonah was the cause of the storm, and realized that it was the work of “The Living God of Israel,” which everybody had heard of, they let things alone; rather than fight against God: It was then they threw Jonah out. We believers can learn something here. Scripture says, “The children of the heathens are wiser than the children of light.” I’m seeing this played out now, more, and more, and more; with Trump and but all of his rebellious kind in “his” rebellious republican gang; in and out the administration seats (even everyday followers in his ways of childish behavior of ugliness; about everywhere.
Some people love to ignore truth and play dangerous; regardless to whose or how many lives they put at risk; while they act as if they’re doing nothing, nor have done anything wrong- and They know nothing.
Those people had gone so far as to ask Jonah to pray to whatever God he believed in, like they had prayed to theirs’. Isn’t that wonderful?
***As Believers and Christians, we are to cast lots and pray to know and do what’s right for all when we don’t know: and then search for truth, when the Churches and organizations see ciaos in theirs’ and others’ camps. The Believers who are to be governed by moral ethics and tendencies; who only want to do what’s right, are to step up in meetings together, settle their differences and problems, as quick as possible, by right; for all to the best of their abilities and knowledge; Before things get to far out of hand, (as they are now in Washington;) by letting whomever and whatever is right, “be right,” “be done,” “be over, “ and move on. This is not a one man’s country nor a one man’s world. This USA is of many prejudices ones, mostly of white men/women; as far as I can tell; who have been/are mostly judging other countries with an outward communist mandates and opinions; who have been saying that this USA is not a communist country; but of Democracy: who have been plainly showing the same signs for centuries, and even further now, at trying to mandate and make rules, change lawful rules to no rules or a wrong rule; by the same and further ugly principles of the communist and abusive country leaders. As a whole, though it is said, USA is “Of justice for all,” USA has been mainly governed as a matter of operations and opinions opposite of that and truth by a long shot; by white males: It’s been, and it’s still against so much truth, equality, love, and right, in so many ways, and for such a long time, aiming against people of color first, which started against Africans, and Native Americans, and is Now at trying to make it by a storm in every direction. There is nothing Christian about that. That’s Communism. Christ came, and made all men free.
Four hundred years have rolled around again. There will be no dictatorship.
The world is looking for answers. People want to know a solution: they try at what they know. They are looking for a way out, for truth, for something that is tangible, something real, something that’s lasting, something which they can hold on to, and something to benefit from. Symbolically, they follow a pattern of their god/s and their “Faith” by loyalty, of their usual findings: or one follow the Path and findings of The Workings “by The Hands of “The Living God” of Israel, in “Faith,” and continue in loyalty; by a covenant, in truth, and whole hearted.” But I’m seeing even more now, and have seen so many, for so long, of said Christians, of said believers of God, who supposedly should have known, and some said they knew the truth of what to do, how to live, and of what is right- evening seeing “The Word” in The Bible, even swore by It, who have not, do not, and will not follow through to do and live by It; in accordance to “A Born Again” testimony, of change. *If the world of “lot casting” of false gods believers pray, and want to do the right thing, *how shameful before God, to let them see the USA of wrongful leaders, and said believers of A Higher God, is of many followers co-hooting together in evil; for money and rulership, who are putting material things over the lives and welfare of many other people- in difference, against equality, against love, and against justice for all: These kind are people/said Christians, with “faith in themselves” and each other”- not in “The God of Israel,” and not in “The God of This Universe,” of the God Who made the world and everything that’s in it.” These are people who are bringing and have brought leaven to the lump: who have caused much spoilage, have formed “mildew” and “rottege” within their camps; and have become of no good or nothing much; but to be trodden under the feet of men, and lacking the guidance of “The Holy Ghost.” They have lost their most being of anything good for helping anybody-even for the sinners: There’s no taste of much to be desired in that, or something is wrong with somebody, somewhere.
Each part of “The Body” has to do its part; to show that it’s functioning as it’s supposed to; before the world, and God: *That’s His Call: and When it doesn’t, something is wrong, and things don’t work the same because of it-not toward good any longer, for helping mankind-not until “a sacrifice” is made, and a man is accepted by God, again.
The world is at right, by many, who want to see and like changes of good and “right;” until they‘ll be tender-hearted and feel compassionate toward one who has wronged the Church; who feels remorse, who confesses his sins, tries to amend his ways, ask for forgiveness, asks for prayer, and admit they need help: those who beg for forgiveness from God and his fellowman, and show a difference in their lives is the key. Still There are so many who don’t care who they potentially hurt, harm, nor destroy; because they are so full of ugliness, “of self and of the world,” while steady reaching to take worldly “things,” (which will pass;) until they can’t see. Some people are heavily in Reprobate minds. There are some people who are so selfish and evil minded, with ugly hearts; until they’ll hope and rather see a company or the world go under; than see it do well- if they can’t be the ones’ in charge. But it’s not going to be that way: It’s not going to be a one man’s world. And *“God is going to have the last say.”
Again, After the men found out who Jonah was, they asked him to pray to his God. He told them to throw him over board; when the wind didn’t subside. With much love and compassion that was that they had for the stranger; who had made them but lost their lives and their belongings. But Hating to take a man’s life just like that, they toiled a little more, and a little harder to steady the ship; until they could do no more: Note! that “They saw God’s Hand,” and that He didn’t backup; nor eased with the wind. They realized that it was no use, that they could not out wrestle Him: so They stopped trying: Then, “They Gave Him glory;” letting Him know that He was more powerful, and does what He wills to: *They then prayed to Him, to not let them perish for Jonah’s sin: They saw they had no choice, but to die, if they kept upholding this man they know now had wronged; who had rebelled against his God: And rather than let the whole ship die for one man’s deeds, they agreed to throw him over. This is where it is right now, “Men,” upholding men higher than God, who are “Fighting Against God,” * in a battle they’ve already lost. As those men saw “The Power and The Work of God,” with Jonah; and as the Barbarians saw His Hand with Paul and men in a shipwreck at sea; they both became believers: They both respected God and asked of His help: Note! that *They trusted Him through that they saw working in His servants lives: That’s the Same God Whose alive today: and He’s been waiting for all mankind to “be the men and the light,” for which He has called us to be; to let love and our lives beam; so that a dying world can see and be saved.
So, when we see God taking vengeances on an individual, on a nation, on a group, and so on, we pray, and we love: but we stand back out of His way, in “right;” and “Let Him Be God.” Too many are in wrong, at wrong, and are upholding others in wrong-in their homes, at their Churches/denominations; at work, and where-ever; who are not saying anything about it; because of one’s said name, status, color, background, blood, of said affiliations, money, of certain organizations, and all else. Let us remember what happened to Korah, Dathan, and the gang: And Let us remember what happened when Israel had seen God’s Glory and Power of His Work in Egypt, to their crossing a dry sea; and further into the wilderness: Yet, who chose not to serve God any longer: They tempted Him, turned against Him and compromised Him to a calf, made by their hands of “things.” Scripture tells us that “Nearly three thousand men died that day.” The belated consequences, no doubt surprised them: Afterall, He had been so good to them, and had brought them out of Egypt. They were given an opportunity to choose Him or the devil: they chose ba-al, knowing Who God was. When given an ultimatum and a choice, (I say, just being in a wilderness was enough to have stuck with Him: beside seeing all His other miracles.) Still, they chose the devil. The death of the men was the way He cleansed the camp: “Because His Spirit and His blessings were not going to return among the rest who had not defiled themselves in their hearts,” if He didn’t. In a desert of the un-known, they chose a calf as their god, which did not and could not save them; over all the powerful evidence on top of evidence of miracles, God had shown to them: They knew God was real, and that He could and would do like He said. Perhaps some of you might remember the sin of A’chan, which caused men to die in the battle at AI; and how God destroyed the evils’ of A’chan and all his family, before His power would return among Israel’s camp, again.
It’s not until a Church, and/or, a nation over all, gets back to doing what’s right; before God restore His blessings, and some order. His Spirit will leave a city, A Church, a home, and where-ever: but He will accompany, shield, manifest and over-ride evil, for an individual/s, or a group/s, that enters that Church, City, a place, or home, etc. on behalf of their being real and living for Him: and His Spirit will return and accompany them when they leave; as long as they leave a place, not upholding nor taking a part in that place wrong.
We see how the men at sea with Jonah, loved with compassion, being false god servers. How is it so missing among the “said Christians;” with having respect of persons? How is it that, instead of said Believers being in control, some have sinners directing and telling them what to do? Remember that the travelers on ship saw God Hands, after Jonah admitted he was the problem. Yet, They still tried to bring the ship to land, but couldn’t. It wasn’t going to Be like Jonah thought: then he told the truth. What a wonder good came out of that. The passengers saw God, and feared their opposing Him: From that, “they accepted God, offered to Him a sacrifice, and made vows to ‘The God that ruled heaven and earth.” *This is what should have been… happening in America, who’s claiming it’s, “One nation under God”-though well we are-*“One Nation.”
God knew what it would take to break Jonah; as with all of us who want to be saved. After three day in a whale’s belly, he had a changed mind and a changed heart: He made it right with God: He then went to Nineveh, and Delivered the message that God had told him to.
We see what God can do, once we turn everything over to His Hands; holding on to “nothing” and “nobody;” of that which keeps us from serving Him truthfully, faithfully, and whole heartedly as Christians- “Fighting!” in The Spirit. We learn to “give it all up for Jesus”-letting God have presidency/first place in our lives: Then He steps in, with full control over everything, in every area of our lives, for the better; with an understanding to us: because we know now! And we can “See, “The “One” in The Higher Seat;” no matter where we sit. “See “The “One” in the Higher Seat.”